We have recently updated our website and added an English version.


We have recently updated our website and added an English version. We have analysed an influx of international players coming to the Iberian Peninsula, whereas a few years ago it was investors willing to develop renewable energy projects, today it is companies looking to take advantage of the lowest electricity prices in mainland Europe.

These companies are setting up energy-intensive industries such as data centres, a sector also boosted by the country's excellent internet infrastructure. Another potential industry that will benefit greatly from low electricity prices is green hydrogen production. 

Let's see what new industries flourish thanks to low-cost renewable energy generation!

Visit our website: https://www.gdosolar.es/en/home
For energy consumers seeking log-term: https://www.gdosolar.es/en/renewable-energy-consumption
For energy producers willing to secure long term returns:

We connect renewable energy producers with consumers who want to use green energy. We support independent producers in their transition to an active commercialization, direct-to-consumer.



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